Risk Reality Calculator

Find out what life may
have in store for you

We all hear news of a friend or a relative who is off work for a few months, or has been diagnosed with a serious illness, or has unexpectedly died. It’s shocking and all the more difficult to imagine it happening to us.

What are your chances?
Are you prepared?

Enter just a few personal details to see the Risk Reality Calculator results for you.

Using only the details you enter here, the results on the next screen give you a rough idea of the chances of one of the above events happening before your chosen retirement age. The calculator uses population and industry statistics and your personal results are shown as a percentage.

Please remember, these results are only a guide and are not certain to happen. Everyone is different, as are their financial needs. If you are unsure what to do next, speak to your financial adviser.

Your details

Your partner's details (optional)

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The guidance contained within this website is subject to UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK.